• We Gotta Thing

    The Podcast & Community for Today’s Swingers

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The We Gotta Thing swinger podcast, community, and events resonate with couples who are deeply committed to one another while seeking social and sexual adventure—those who are emotionally monogamous while sexually non-monogamous—as well as the single males and females who support and participate in this approach to the swinger lifestyle. As ethical non-monogamy gains more notice and acceptance, we strive to offer our personal experiences and insights about the swinger lifestyle for today’s sex-positive couples. Care to join us?

We Gotta Thing swinger podcast community, and events resonate with couples who are deeply committed to one another while seeking social and sexual adventure—those who are emotionally monogamous while sexually non-monogamous—as well as the single males and females who support and participate in this approach to the swinger lifestyle. As ethical non-monogamy gains more notice and acceptance, we strive to offer our personal experiences and insights about the swinger lifestyle for today’s sex-positive couples. Care to join us?

Whether you swing yourself, are curious about it, or just love a good story about sex outside the confines of a traditional monogamous relationship, Mr. and Mrs. Jones offer a provocative glimpse into the steamy sex life of swingers.

Whether you swing yourself , are curious about it, or just love a good story about sex outside the confines of a traditional monogamous relationship, Mr. and Mrs. Jones offer a provocative glimpse into the steamy sex life of swingers.

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Mr. & Mrs. Jones

We are Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and we’ve definitely got a thing goin’ on! We are a long-time married couple who have been navigating the swinger lifestyle for several years now and we love sharing the ups and downs of our experiences in our swinger podcast and community. We believe the lifestyle is about having fun, enjoying like-minded friends, and deepening our relationship with one another. 

Learn More About Us >>

We are Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and we’ve definitely got a thing goin’ on! We are a long-time married couple who have been navigating the swinger lifestyle for several years now and we love sharing the ups and downs of our experiences in our swinger podcast and community. We believe the lifestyle is about having fun, enjoying like-minded friends, and deepening our relationship with one another. We Gotta Thing started as a podcast to chronicle our journey in the swinger lifestyle. It has grown to be that and much more! We Gotta Thing has also become host to a supportive, vibrant community of couples and singles seeking to explore and redefine the “confines of marriage” in ways that allow each of us to be our most authentic selves while nurturing our primary relationships.

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With 37 years of marriage under their belt, Mr. & Mrs. Jones talk about every aspect of their lifestyle, all while drinking cocktails. The couple shows us that more goes into 'swinging' than people may perceive.

With 37 years of marriage under their belt, Mr. & Mrs. Jones talk about every aspect of their lifestyle, all while drinking cocktails. The couple shows us that more goes into 'swinging' than people may perceive.

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Their sometimes explicit accounts will fascinate and, for those considering ‘the lifestyle’ themselves, provide honest insight into what it’s like.

Their sometimes explicit accounts will fascinate and, for those considering ‘the lifestyle’ themselves, provide honest insight into what it’s like.

Recent Podcast Episodes

Episode 129 | Taming the Voices Inside My Head

You’re awake again at 3:00am. You can’t go back to sleep. You caclulate how much sleep you’ll have if you go back to sleep right now. Then, while staring at the ceiling, a voice inside your head decides to make up a (absolutely truthful and believable) story about a missed opportunity with another couple and why they aren’t responding to your messages to meet again….

Sound familiar? In this episode Meshei from Expansive Connection helps us to understand where that voice is coming from, how to recognize the lack of logic in that voice and how to redirect the conversation to something more logical and accurate. Also, you are not the only one expriencing these very convincing voices!

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Episode 127 | Trust: What It Is Not

What is trust not? Trust is not a feeling that someone else creates in us with their actions.

Some of us think we can trust people only when they are doing what we want them to do so we don’t feel uncomfortable things we don’t want to feel. Additionally, trust is not using other people as our emotional security blankets.

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Care to Join Us?

There are many ways to interact with We Gotta Thing! We’d like to invite you to become members of the exclusive We Gotta Thing community—a vital and growing group of couples and singles embracing the swinging lifestyle and supporting one another in the quest to explore and be our most authentic selves. The We Gotta Thing community creates an environment to foster connections with others through both virtual and in-person interactions.

Learn More About the WGT Community >>

We Gotta Thing isn’t afraid to shrug off judgment for the real conversations about swinging within the confines of a marriage.

We Gotta Thing isn’t afraid to shrug off judgment for the real conversations about swinging within the confines of a marriage.

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