Articles by: Elle

Episode 59 | Judgment in the Lifestyle

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Discussion Topic: We all have experiences of being judged.  However, we don’t often reflect on how we judge others or why so many people in the lifestyle still tend to judge.  We discuss how we are wired and what influences in our lives may predispose us to our own personal […]

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Episode 58 | Out of Your Comfort Zone and into Paradise

 Discussion Topic:The swinging lifestyle is a place we go to grow our relationship.  But to experience any kind of personal or relationship growth we must step out of and beyond our comfort zones. Listen as we discuss the topic ourselves and then hear similar thoughts from others in a […]

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5 Keys to Enjoying a Swingers Club

A blog post by Mr Jones After several years of being in the lifestyle and hosting a lifestyle podcast one of the biggest inconsistencies we’ve personally observed and also heard about from our listeners is the wide range of experiences and opinions regarding swinger clubs.  Let’s face it, the swinging […]

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Episode 57 | Lifestyle Goals- What is Your Why?

 Discussion Topic: Does being in the lifestyle mean a race to full-swap? Will we find ourselves always wanting more? Why does trying the lifestyle seem like a risk to our relationship? Will we become addicted and always want more?  We discuss the importance of agreeing on “why” you are in […]

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Episode 56 | Seven Habits of Highly Successful Swingers

Discussion Topic: Using Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, we align how those same habits can make you successful as a couple in the swinging lifestyle. Travel with us to Desire Pearl the week of November 16-23, 2019!  Book your trip here. Join our Members Only community here!  

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How to Be an Awesome Lover

by Mrs. Jones One of the most common requests of all the messages I receive from ladies in the lifestyle is information on how to better please their partners. The ladies often ask me to recommend resources on blow job techniques (probably because I have talked about reading blow job […]

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Friends on the Fringe Part 2: How to Terrify Your Partner

By Elle   You ever send a text and then immediately wish you could un-send it? You sit there more-or-less holding your breath, staring near-maniacally at your screen, waiting for the animated dot-dot-dot to tell you someone on the other end is mid-reply? No? Yeah…yeah, totally. Me neither. “I hear […]

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Episode 55 | Finding Our Happy Place in the Lifestyle

 Discussion topic: In this episode we catch you all up to date on what we’ve been going through since we were “outed” as lifestyle podcasters 18 months ago.  Through all the turmoil we lost our “happy place” and share how we’ve grown and rediscovered each other.  Each person and couple […]

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