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Episode 129 | Taming the Voices Inside My Head

You’re awake again at 3:00am. You can’t go back to sleep. You caclulate how much sleep you’ll have if you go back to sleep right now. Then, while staring at the ceiling, a voice inside your head decides to make up a (absolutely truthful and believable) story about a missed opportunity with another couple and why they aren’t responding to your messages to meet again….

Sound familiar? In this episode Meshei from Expansive Connection helps us to understand where that voice is coming from, how to recognize the lack of logic in that voice and how to redirect the conversation to something more logical and accurate. Also, you are not the only one expriencing these very convincing voices!

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We are not experts or professionals; therefore, we don’t offer relationship advice or instructions. Our podcast episodes, blog posts, and the content within and linked to this website are not intended as “how to” resources but rather “what if” information from our own perspective and based on our own experiences.